Policy Features

Noncancelable and Guaranteed Renewable to Age 65: Until age 65, the policy cannot be canceled nor restrictions added, and premiums cannot be increased, as long as premiums are paid as due.

Definition of Total Disability (Own Occupation for the Length of the benefit period): Solely due to sickness or injury, you are not able to perform the material and substantial duties of your occupation.

Conditionally Renewable for Life: You may renew this policy on each policy anniversary after age 65 for life, if you are actively working at least 30 hours each week, you are not receiving a benefit under this policy or any attached rider, and the policy is in force with no premiums in default.

Presumptive Total Disability: Total disability benefits will be paid, while you sustain the complete loss of hearing in both ears, sight of both eyes, speech, or the use of any two limbs. The loss does not need to be permanent or irrecoverable.

Survivor Benefit: If you die while monthly disability benefits are being paid, an additional three months of base monthly benefit will be paid to your designated beneficiary or estate.

Waiver of Premium: Premiums will be waived during an approved disability.

Exceptions and Limitations: Benefits will not be paid for a disability: (a) caused by war or incident of war, or from active military service, (b) resulting from an intentionally self-inflicted injury, (c) during any period of incarceration, (d) resulting from suspension/termination of a professional or occupational license, except as a direct result of total disability, (e) before 90 days for normal pregnancy or childbirth, (f) caused by mental/nervous disorder and/or drug or alcohol abuse for more than 24 months during the lifetime of the policy, or (g) for more than 12 months during the lifetime of the policy, if you reside outside of the United States.

Pre-Existing Condition Limitation (3/12): No coverage for a disability beginning in the 12 months after the policy issue date if it is caused by a Pre-existing Condition (a condition for which the insured sought, or for which a prudent person would have sought, medical treatment during the 3 months prior to the issue date).

Enhanced Residual Disability Rider: A residual benefit may be paid if you suffer a loss of, at least, 15% of your netarnedincome, and you are able to perform one or more, but not all, of the material and substantial duties of your occupation or you are unable to engage in your occupation for more than 80% of the usual time.

Cost of Living Adjustment Rider (3% Simple): During a continuing disability, an additional 3% of the base monthly benefit will be paid on each anniversary of the date of disability. This is not a compound calculation.

Future Increase Option Rider: Allows the purchase of additional coverage with only financial evidence of insurability.

Catastrophic Disability Rider: Pays and additional monthly benefit for each month you are catastrophically disabled(unable to perform two or more activities of daily living without stand-by assistance; or require substantial supervision due to severe cognitive impairment). Activities of daily living are: dressing, toileting, transferring, continence, eating and bathing.